girl name Alexander

Alexander Girl Name

Baby Girl Names > Starting With A > Alexander

Alexander name image The table below indicates the number of times the name Alexander has been given to baby girls in recent years.  The last 125 years refers to 1880 through 2004; last year refers to 2004.  The rank and count values are based on U.S. Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given to baby girls in each of these years. 

Cumulative Usage Chart for the Name Alexander
Use of the Name Alexander
for Girls During the Last ...
125 Years50 Years25 Years10 Years5 Years2 Years1 Year
The table below indicates the number of times the name Alexander has been given to baby girls and baby boys each year, from 1880 through 2004.  A blank entry indicates that the name did not rank among the top one thousand names given to girls or boys, respectively, during the specified year.

Yearly Usage Chart for the Name Alexander
 Used as a Girl NameUsed as a Boy Name
1880  73211
1881  71209
1882  79225
1883  80187
1884  76236
1885  78205
1886  83206
1887  87181
1888  82238
1889  93185
1890  85202
1891  95172
1892  95202
1893  83218
1894  95199
1895  97199
1896  87232
1897  103172
1898  106180
1899  97178
1900  93261
1901  102162
1902  92217
1903  100195
1904  104202
1905  103210
1906  105204
1907  92278
1908  104247
1909  107254
1910  101325
1911  94424
1912  97802
1913  98936
1914  981,169
1915  1031,431
1916  991,586
1917  971,660
1918  1041,592
1919  1131,421
1920  1161,477
1921  1161,530
1922  1251,348
1923  1291,300
1924  1291,379
1925  1371,227
1926  1471,142
1927  1461,096
1928  1521,045
1929  156988
1930  168866
1931  172790
1932  178777
1933  186660
1934  200614
1935  188697
1936  199615
1937  192672
1938  193666
1939  186720
1940  187766
1941  184821
1942  183861
1943  180913
1944  183860
1945  178883
1946  188969
1947  1901,068
1948  1831,130
1949  1801,185
1950  1891,167
1951  1901,209
1952  1861,284
1953  1961,250
1954  2001,236
1955  2081,177
1956  2111,239
1957  2131,253
1958  2221,182
1959  2341,166
1960  2291,204
1961  2231,226
1962  2201,224
1963  2151,306
1964  2121,289
1965  1911,325
1966  1821,364
1967  1781,458
1968  1531,775
1969  1502,013
1970  1372,456
1971  1342,345
1972  1292,118
1973  1162,241
1974  1122,351
1975  1052,426
1976  1082,431
1977  972,688
1978  982,727
1979  943,040
1980  913,257
1981  704,207
1982  654,565
1983  634,785
1984  546,470
1985  508,277
1993  2120,506
1994  2220,083
1995  2119,435
1996  2217,947
1997  2217,093
1998  2217,447
1999  2117,384
2000  2017,244
2001  2016,673
2002  1517,654
2003  1617,629
2004  1517,634
Totals:  1,618 450,178

During the last 125 years, parents have used Alexander as a girl's name about 0% of the time and more frequently (about 99% of the time) as a boy's name.  Cumulative counts and total counts shown on the above tables are significantly lower than actual counts because the name Alexander appears in the top 1,000 girl names only 7 times during the last 125 years.

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Girl Name Alexander